Due to the entry into force of the provisions of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of March 31, 2020 on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of an epidemic (Journal of Laws, item 566), on April 1, 2020, introduction of a ban on bringing from abroad and transporting outside the territory of the Republic of Poland and the transport of human remains through the territory of the Republic of Poland (§ 8 section 4) Pursuant to § 19 para. 3 of the Regulation, the prohibition does not apply if the relevant permit or certificate was issued before April 1, 2020.

In connection with the amendment to the above-mentioned regulations, introduced by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of April 7, 2020 amending the regulation on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of an epidemic (Journal of Laws, item 624) from April 7, 2020. the prohibition does not apply to the remains resulting from the incineration of the body  (§ 1 point 5 letter b).

Bearing in mind the above, from April 7, 2020 until further notice , the consul may issue the certificates referred to in art. 14 of the Act of 31 January 1959 on cemeteries and burying the deceased (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1473 and of 2020, item 284)  only in relation to the remains of the incineration of the corpse .

You will obtain a certificate for bringing the body or ashes (remains) to the country at the territorially competent Polish consular office.

No, the documents can be submitted in person or by mail.

In order to make an appointment, please contact us at the following e-mail address: dakar@msz.gov.pl .


  • a burial permit issued by the staroste or the city president – the application for such a permit may be submitted to the staroste or the city president by the deceased’s family or an authorized funeral home,
  • a copy of the death certificate or other document confirming the death,
  • a medical certificate that the death was not related to an infectious disease,
  • certificate from the funeral director involved in the transport that the body was placed in a metal coffin with a layer of absorbent substance at the bottom of at least 5 cm thick at the bottom, and the metal coffin was carefully soldered and placed in a wooden box in such a way that it cannot move inside it .

The fee is 50 EUR.

The consul will issue the certificate immediately, but not later than within 3 days from the date of submitting the application.

Personally. You can also apply for documents to be delivered by post if you cover the cost of the postage.

In the event of refusal to perform the action, the consul will issue a decision against which you can lodge a complaint with the Minister of Foreign Affairs within 7 days. The complaint is filed through the consul who issued the decision.

What will happen if the family decides not to bring the body to Poland?

If the deceased’s family decides not to bring the body to Poland, the consul asks the local authorities to bury the body in accordance with local law (at the expense of local authorities in public cemeteries).

Remember that the consul does not cover financial obligations, provide advice or make any decisions on behalf of the deceased’s family related to the choice of the method and place of burial.

Legal basis

The Act of June 25, 2015, Consular Law