You will obtain a confirmation of your signature as a signature at any Polish consular office.

Yes, in order to obtain the confirmation of the authenticity of the signature on the document, you must appear in person at the consular office.

Make an appointment using the e-konsulat system .


  • the document under which you want to certify your signature;
  • valid identity document (passport or ID card).

Remember! The provisions of Polish law may require certain legal actions to be valid (e.g. a power of attorney to conclude a real estate transfer agreement or an inheritance division agreement) to be in the form of a notarial deed. It is impossible for the consul to certify the signature on this type of document made by hand.

The fee for certifying the signature is EUR 30.

You will get a certificate of signature during your visit to the consulate.

In the event of refusal to perform the action, the consul will issue a decision against which you can lodge a complaint with the Minister of Foreign Affairs within 7 days. The complaint is submitted through the consul who issued the decision.

Legal basis

The Act of June 25, 2015, Consular Law